Change SRD Phone Number Without Application ID – How To Do

The South African Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant has been a vital lifeline for many individuals during challenging times. However, applicants may encounter situations where they need to update their registered phone number without having access to their original application ID.

Whether you’ve lost your application ID or can’t recall it, fear not! In this article, we will guide you through the process of how to change your SRD grant phone number without your application ID.

Documents To Prove Your Identity

Before proceeding with the phone number change process, ensure you have the following information ready:

  1. Your full name as per the original application.
  2. Your South African ID number or passport number.
  3. Your current residential address.

When changing your phone number associated with the South African Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant, providing other forms of identification is necessary to verify your identity and prevent fraud.

It allows SASSA agents ensure accuracy, protect personal information, comply with regulations, and add an extra layer of security for your application status. These measures are put in place to safeguard sensitive data and ensure the effectiveness of the SRD program.

Changing Your SRD Phone Number Without App ID

To change your SRD phone number without an application ID, get in touch with the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) through their helpline or by visiting a nearby SASSA office. The helpline is a toll-free number, and representatives are available to assist you with your request.

You can also call their Toll Free number here for updates: 0800 60 10 11

Verify Your Identity

When contacting SASSA, you will be required to verify your identity to ensure the security of your personal information. Prepare to provide the agent with the required information, including your full name, ID number, and residential address. This step is crucial to confirm that you are the legitimate grant recipient seeking the phone number change.

Provide New Phone Number

Inform the SASSA agent that you wish to change your SRD grant phone number and provide them with the new number you want to use. Make sure to double-check the new phone number for accuracy to avoid any future communication issues.

Wait for Confirmation

Once you have completed the process, the SASSA agent will update your SRD grant application with the new phone number. You will receive confirmation either via SMS or a call on your new phone number. This message will serve as a validation that your phone number has been successfully changed.

Important Points to Remember:

  • Always ensure that you provide accurate and up-to-date information to SASSA during the phone number change process.
  • The process of changing your phone number might take some time, so exercise patience during the waiting period.
  • Keep your updated phone number secure and avoid sharing it with unauthorized individuals to protect your personal information.

How To Change SRD Phone Number Without Application ID Online

Step 1: Access the Official SASSA Website

Begin by opening your web browser and visiting the official SASSA website. You can do this by typing the website’s URL in the address bar.

Step 2: Find the “Update Contact Details” Link

Look for the “Update Contact Details” link on the SASSA website. It may be prominently displayed on the homepage or located in the “Grants” or “Contact” section. Click on the link to proceed.

Step 3: Provide Your ID Number and Original Phone Number

On the update page, you will be asked to enter your ID number and the phone number you used when applying for the SASSA SRD grant. Make sure to provide accurate details to ensure a successful process.

Step 4: Submit the Form

After entering the required information, click the “Submit” button. This action will initiate the process of updating your phone number.

Step 5: State the Reason for the Change

You might be prompted to provide a reason for changing your phone number. Choose the appropriate reason from the options provided or briefly explain the reason in the designated field.

Step 6: Enter Your New Phone Number

Next, enter your new phone number in the provided field. Double-check the number for accuracy to prevent communication issues in the future.

Step 7: Confirm the Update

Click the “Submit” button once more to confirm and finalize the update of your SASSA SRD grant phone number to the newly provided one.

Common Issue When Trying To Change SRD Numbers

When trying to change the phone number associated with your South African Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant, some common issues that applicants may encounter include:

Incorrect Information

Providing incorrect personal details, such as your ID number or original phone number, can lead to a failed phone number change request. Double-check the information before submitting the update form.

Verification Problems

If the provided information does not match the details on record, the system may not verify your identity successfully. This could happen if you made a mistake when entering your ID number or if there are discrepancies in the data.

Technical Glitches

Online systems can sometimes experience technical issues that prevent successful updates. It’s essential to ensure a stable internet connection and try again later if you encounter errors.

Lack of Required Information

Some updates may require additional information or documents for verification purposes. Failure to provide the necessary details could hinder the process.


There might be specific eligibility criteria for changing your phone number. If you don’t meet these criteria, your request might be declined.

Unavailability of Online Services

Not all regions or situations may have access to online phone number changes. In such cases, applicants might need to visit a local SASSA office or use other methods to make the change.

Outdated Application

If your SRD grant application is outdated or not currently active, the system might not allow changes to your phone number.

System Overload

During peak times or high volumes of applications, the system may experience delays or slow responses.

To address these issues, applicants can:

  • Verify that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Ensure they meet the eligibility criteria for phone number changes.
  • Seek assistance from SASSA helpline or visit a local office for guidance.
  • Confirm if online services for phone number changes are available in their region.
  • Be patient and try again later if they encounter technical glitches.

If the issues persist, contacting SASSA directly is the best way to resolve any specific problems and seek further assistance.


Changing your SRD grant phone number without an application ID is indeed possible with the help of the South African Social Security Agency. By following the steps outlined in this article and providing the necessary information, you can successfully update your contact details and ensure seamless communication regarding your SRD grant.

Remember to always keep your personal information secure and to reach out to SASSA for any further assistance you may require.

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