SASSA Grant Increases for 2023 and 2024: What to Expect

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) serves as a financial lifeline for many low-income individuals and families across the nation. With its role in providing safety nets and mitigating poverty, understanding how its grant increases are projected and how these changes can impact vulnerable communities is of significant importance.

In this article, we will highlight the SASSA grant increases that are scheduled for 2023 and 2024 and the reasons for the increases.

SASSA Grant Increases in 2023 and 2024

Old Age Pension (Older Persons Grant):

  • From April 1, 2023, recipients aged 60 to 74 will receive R2080, an increase of R90. This will further escalate to R2090 on October 1, 2023, an additional increase of R10.
  • Recipients aged over 75 will have their pension raised to R2100 on April 1, 2023, reflecting a hike of R90. Subsequently, on October 1, 2023, it will rise again to R2110, an extra R10.

Disability Grants

  • The Disability Grant will be elevated to R2080 from April 1, 2023, showcasing a growth of R90. It will then rise again to R2090 on October 1, 2023, an additional R10.

Child Support Grant

  • The Child Support Grant will increase to R500 on April 1, 2023, marking an increase of R20. This will be further raised to R510 on October 1, 2023, a subsequent R10 increase.
  • The Child Support Grant Top-Up will climb to R250 on April 1, 2023, showing an uptick of R10. However, there will be no additional increase on October 1, 2023.

Foster Child Grant

  • The Foster Child Grant will see an increment to R1120 on April 1, 2023, representing a growth of R50. It will subsequently be raised to R1130 on October 1, 2023, a further R10 increase.

Care Dependency Grant

  • The Care Dependency Grant will experience an elevation to R2080 on April 1, 2023, indicating a rise of R90. This will be followed by an additional increase to R2090 on October 1, 2023, a further R10 rise.

War Veterans Grant

  • The War Veterans Grant will go up to R2100 on April 1, 2023, depicting an increase of R90. On October 1, 2023, it will again rise to R2110, an additional R10 increase.


  • The Grant-In-Aid will surge to R500 on April 1, 2023, showing a boost of R20. This will be further augmented to R510 on October 1, 2023, an extra R10 increase.

Most of the SASSA grant increases for October 2023 are around 5%, matching the expected inflation rate for South Africa heading into 2024.

Make sure to have accurate banking details and an reconfirm your application to ensure you will receive these increases.

The Current State of SASSA Grant Increases

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) caters to the most vulnerable population, providing critical assistance to children, the elderly, and the disabled. This aid comes largely in the form of grants, which vary based on the beneficiary’s situation.

Inflation and the Cost of Living

Over the years, inflation and the increasing cost of living in South Africa have presented significant challenges for those relying on SASSA grants. Prices for basic necessities, such as food, housing, and healthcare, have witnessed steady growth. This situation has put a severe strain on grant recipients, who often find it increasingly challenging to stretch their meager allowances to cover all their needs.

Meanwhile, SASSA grant increases have historically struggled to keep pace with inflation, exacerbating the challenge for beneficiaries. For instance, an annual boost of approximately 4% falls significantly short when inflation rates reach upward of 5%.

Checking The Status Of Your Grant Increase

If you’re looking to qualify for these grant increases, you should apply for SASSA benefits. It’s best to do so through the official SASSA website or by checking your status through the Moya app.

If your application has been rejected you can file for reconsideration.

The Future for SASSA Beneficiaries

There’s a much-needed SASSA increase in 2023 after failing to raise grants last year. Yet, it’s critical to acknowledge that a mere upsurge in grants may not completely help these recipients navigate the rising cost of living.

Instead, along with the SASSA increment, other interventions like price regulations, easier avenues to affordable healthcare, accessible housing, and education could play a significant role in improving the current disappointing scenario.

Will SASSA SRD R350 Grants Increase for 2024?

At this point in time SASSA has not announced any increases for the popular COVID-19 SRD R350 relief grant. While this grant was very popular amongst students and low income households it’s unsure whether SASSA will continue to provide this grant.

For the time being, SASSA has confirmed the extension of its SRD R350 relief grants until 31 March, 2024. If you’ve been denied for this grant, you can also appeal.

Impact of Economic Conditions

Economic conditions also play a significant role in determining grant increases. Particularly in light of the financial toll wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic, the South African government may consider supplementary increases to assist the most vulnerable members of society. Experts suggest that such action is possible, but will depend heavily on the pace of economic recovery and the government’s available funds.

Government Action

Government announcements have confirmed the increase rate for SASSA grants in 2023, maintaining that future increases are still under deliberation. However, President Cyril Ramaphosa has emphasized the government’s steadfast commitment to social security. The suggestion is that the grants will continue to rise at an appropriate rate to safeguard the beneficiaries from inflation.

Rates of Increase

It is important to note that not all types of grants may experience the same rate of increase. The scale of increment may vary based on factors like the type of grant (e.g. child support grant, disability grant, etc.) and demographic realities. For instance, in previous years, the rate of increase for old age and disability grants was slightly higher compared to other types.

Impact on Beneficiaries

While an increase in grant amounts may seem promising for the beneficiaries, it is crucial to understand that the increase is most likely offset by the costs accrued due to inflation, therefore not drastically improving their financial state but rather aiming to maintain the beneficiaries’ current standard of living.

Why SASSA Grant Increases Are Necessary In 2024

For beneficiaries, an increase in SASSA funding is more than just monetary gain. It could potentially mean better access to basic needs such as education, healthcare, and food. Improved financing can enhance living conditions by allowing people to afford better quality goods and services, boosting the overall well-being of individuals and families.

Ripple Effect

The projected increase will induce a ripple effect on the socio-economic fabric of South Africa, with beneficiaries spending more on goods and services, stimulating the local economy and potentially leading to job creation. This, in turn, influences the overall GDP growth of the country, contributing to a positive economic cycle.

Possible Challenges

While the potential for increased SASSA funding paints a bright picture for public welfare, it also comes with potential challenges. There may be increased pressure on the national budget and concerns around effective and fair distribution of resources. It will be critical for SASSA to ensure that processes and systems are in place for efficient and transparent disbursement of the increased funds.

Unequal Distribution

While the increment in SASSA funding will enhance lives, one must also keep in mind the uneven distribution of wealth in South Africa. Affluent areas may not feel the impact as much as impoverished ones. The SASSA increase hence may also highlight disparities in society while attempting to bridge them.

Inflation Concerns

Another important factor to consider in the projected SASSA increase is inflation. A considerable rise in funding may lead to increased spending, driving up the prices of goods and services. Therefore, the actual value of the increase could potentially be diluted if the rate of inflation is not kept under control.


As we await the SASSA grant increases for 2023 and 2024, it’s crucial to understand the amplified impact this rise may have on the lives of beneficiaries. Considering the evaluations and predictions by financial experts, we realize how this social security system stands as an important institution to South Africa.

Going beyond a numbers game, these increases deeply impact the livelihoods and struggles of countless South Africans.

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